Human Body Nature According Ayurveda


Right with the basics has classified personalities into three different categories the watha type, the fitta the type and the kapha type.

    Vata Pitta, and KaPha.Yes, it's pha, not fa. These are perhaps the most popular words of Ayurveda. Despite their popularity, very few people know what these words actually mean. with the help of shlokas from one of the main ayurvedic textbooks, from Original Sanskrit literature 

    Before we attempt to understand these words, the first word we need to understand is prapancha. Even though the popular meaning of prapancha,is the world, it's origins are something like this : Pancha, is five, pra-Pancha, is that which is made up of five elements.


    Pancha Booth According To Ayurveda

    Everything that is manifest in this universe, is made up of these 5 elements, called panchamaha bhutas. These are the elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and Space. This does not mean everything is literally made up of, a lump of earth, a mug of water, and so on,

     It is the qualities of these elements that exist, in everything that is manifest. The Sanskrit words for these elements, are Bhumi, apas, Agni, Vayu, and Akashah.

    Bhumi, or earth, represents the properties of mass, and inertia. Apas, or water, denotes fluidity, Agni, or fire, represents heat, and  Vayu,or wind represents instability and movement and finally, Aakasha, or represents just that infinity, 

    the property of occupying, some .Everything that is manifest, is said to have these elements and their properties, in various proportions.The human Body too, is comprised of these elements, which constantly interact with each other,

    To perform bodily functions.And here, comes the concept of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.When the earth element in the body, mainly contributed by solid food we consume, interacts with the water element in the body, which comes from the water we drink, the properties of both these elements interact to form Kapha. The resultant properties of Kapha are mentioned,in the 12th shloka of the first chapter of "ashtanga hridayam :snigdhah Shoto gururmandah shaksh"

    None of them have one single dosha predominant in them it is a blend of all the three doshas but collectively if you see it will they will have one dosha which dominates over the other two and that's how we have classified personalities


     Watha the type of person is lean  very very active all the while cannot sit in one place for a moment. He keeps jumping around from one place to the other, similar is his the mental quality he cannot focus and concentrate at one time on a particular thing, he is always agile agitated it's just like the wind which keeps blowing around all places every time.

    It's never steady at one place so this kind of a personality has very little sleepers poorly digestive capacities are not very good,  sometimes he digests very well sometimes he does doesn't digest very well. 

    So this brings in qualities which are called calling in for malnourished people as such the under nourished people, he can tolerate the heat very nicely but can not tolerate so much of cold just as the wind. 

    These people the mental bend is kind of not very smooth ,very agitated always unfocused and at the same time not very steady with their decisions they are very fickle they move around from place to place mentally as well 


    The resultant properties of pitta are mentioned,in the 11th shloka as follows "pittam sasnEha tIkshNOshNam laghu visram saramdravam "This means, the properties, of the resultant pitta element, are as follows: It is oily, absorbent, hot, light, odorous, fluid, and mobile.

    And finally, when the air element in the body,or Vayu interacts with the akasha or ,the resultant property is Vata 10th shloka of the first chapter of ashtangahridayam describes Vata properties, as "tatra rUksho laghuh shItah kharah sUkshmaschalOnilah"This means, the properties, of Vata, are asfollows:

    The pitta the type of people are verifier, you drop a glass and their anger shoots off very fast, at the drop of a hat the anger shoots off very fast can not tolerate heat at all, the moment it isn't the anger is more within them but they are very cheerful people.

    when they are in a society they will draw people towards them, because they talk very nicely and they are found of getting people around with them. 

    They get along very well with people as well, the only drawback with them is the heat they cannot tolerate heat at all, food habits also are the same, they will eat very fast and digest very fast within three hours , if you don't give him food once again he drives you nuts all over, yeah so he cannot tolerate hunger at all.


     The kapha' type of person is like an elephant very complacent doesn't get angry soon but if he gets angry it remains for a very long time ,yeah so he doesn't get angry very fast and everything that he does is very very slow but he takes his own time judgments are so powerful that once judged never will change.

    So these are the basic three qualities of people which you meet around in the society getting along with each other. I think what the kind of people will never be happy with another same person ,because the personalities will be the similar kind and both will be striking against each other is the same.

    No "mrutsnahsthirah kaphah"This means, the properties, of the resultant kapha element, are as follows: It is oily,cold, heavy, viscous, smooth, slimy, and immobile.When the water element in the body, interacts with the fire element, which is the bodily heat, the properties of both these elements interact to form pitta

    People with a kapha imbalance generally puton weight easily, and have a sound sleep.Simply put, whenever one of the properties,is more dominant than the others in a body,it's attributes manifest themselves in every walk of life.


    With all the doshas so it's basically very much necessary that you blend another personality which is of the opposite qualities with you ,so you have a balanced form of a relationship


     It is dry, light, cold, rough, subtle,and mobile.All these three mixtures, have specific tasks to perform in the body.Ayurveda defines health, as a result of the balance among these three mixtures, or doshas. Dominance, or Weakness of any one dosha, over the rest, leads to an imbalance, which manifests as disease.What is most interesting to note, is that the science of Yoga, and Ayurveda, approach health,

     As wholesomeness and balance.Right from genetic factors starting at birth,to various food habits, and climatic conditions,affect this balance of Vata, pitta and kapha.

    When the Vata element and it's properties are more dominant than pitta and kapha, the body is generally cold, dry and light.The body generally feels restless and active.This vata dominance is not just at the level of the body, it's properties, can also manifesting the mind, 

    As irregular thinking, and excessive and fast speech.People with excessive vata tendencies are light sleepers, with excessive dreams.

    When the Pitta element and it's properties are more dominant than vata and kapha, 

    The body is generally warm.People with a pitta imbalance tend to have oily skin and hair, and tend to sweat more than others.They are also prone to hair fall, and pronounced ageing symptoms.When the kapha element and it's properties are more dominant than pitta and vata, the body feels a little more heavy and inert.

    One can also extrapolate this to determine the properties of a body, which has two doshas more dominants than the third.What is important to note, is that this Vata,pitta or kapha imbalance need not be a fixed thing in one's life.

    One can make use of various Ayurvedic herbs,and yogic practices, to bring balance to these elements and keep the body at utmost ease,and free of disease.


    The level of insight these ancient Ayurvedic texts offer into the human mechanism, are unparalleled even today.It is time, we identify, learn, apply and cherish them, instead of insulting them as fringe, or pseudo sciences, only to realize our mistakes after millennia, and repackage them, with absurd names like cardiac coherence breathing !

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