Looking for common herbs and their medicinal uses, then you have come to the right place. This article will take you through a list of 100 common herbs and their purposes.



Cloves have analgesic properties and great for treating pains and vomiting. Calendula.

Due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, calendula is used for pain relief.


The elderberry flower has antiviral properties that enable it to fight infections like colds and fever.


This herbal root helps in relieving pain and reducing anxiety.


Lavender has a soothing effect that makes it a major ingredient in cosmetic products. Moreover, the oil can be used for relieving body aches.

 Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a major component of many skincare products. It can be used for treating skin conditions like sunburns and zits. It can also be used for relieving constipation.


Chasteberry is a common herb used by women having PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome). It is used in relieving the associated symptoms.


Garlic has strong antimicrobial properties that make it good in the treatment of colds and flu. In addition, it can be used as a soothing remedy for stress and anxiety due to its calming potential.


Dandelion tea is a common remedy for stress relief and constipation. The dandelion is also effective in the treatment of inflammations and diabetes.


Inhaling peppermint oil or using it to massage aching joints helps to reduce stress and to bring relief. Nettle. Drinking boiled water mixed with nettle leaves is a natural way of relieving constipation.


Ginger is used for treating vomiting and ginger tea helps to warm up the body during colds.


Cayenne pepper is a common kitchen ingredient for the treatment of aches and arthritis. Basil. This herb can be used as a mild sedative and for treating bloating.


Turmeric contains a chemical substance, curcumin, which gives the herb antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties for relieving pains.


This medicinal plant is used as a first aid to stop bleeding associated with cuts and bruises.


Bearberry is a diuretic herb that can be used for combating urinary tract infections. Sage. A good remedy for sore throats and coughs, sage can also be used for treating indigestion.


The arnica flower can be used as an ointment for relieving joint pains and sore muscles.


This ancient plant has been known for its stress-relieving property as well as an immune-booster.


Burdock is used for its detoxifying and anti-bacterial properties. Cascara sagrada. Cascara tea is used for treating constipation and anxiety.


For stomach upset and anxiety relief, drinking catnip tea is a quick remedy.


The leaves of the chamomile tree have great relaxing and laxative effects for digestion problems and pains.


Besides its culinary use, cinnamon has been used over time as a treatment for diabetes due to the presence of insulin.


Originally used for its blood purifying property, this Native American herb is now used for treating indigestion and loss of appetite.


Echinacea root has immune-boosting properties that help in treating respiratory problems.

Ginkgo Biloba

The leaves of the Ginkgo tree contain antioxidants that help in keeping the brain alert by promoting blood flow to the brain.


Kava is used for its analgesic property. Consuming it as a tea or drinking its extract also gives a calming effect to the nerves and muscles.


Lemongrass is common in Asia and is effective for the treatment of flu, stomach upset, body aches, and stress.

Licorice root

Licorice root is beneficial for treating coughs and sore throats as well as for gastrointestinal wounds.

Lion's Mane

This is a healthy mushroom that helps in stimulating digestion, lowering blood pressure and anxiety relief, among other uses.


Just like ginseng, maca belongs to the family of adaptogen herbal plants that help in stress relief. Consuming maca root offer the benefits of increased energy and libido.

Valerian root

Valerian root has been used for the treatment of digestive problems as well as been used as an analgesic.


Drinking cranberry juice is a healthy and natural way of treating bladder infection and chronic prostatitis.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle has good benefits for the liver and kidney. The plant helps to protect these important body organs.


Cordyceps is a mushroom plant which is native to China. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis and coughs.


Chaparral was used by Native Americans as a cure for GI problems, diarrhea, and rheumatism. Now, however, the plant is known for its antioxidants.


The alfalfa plant or buffalo grass is a common herb for the treatment of arthritis, indigestion, and for boosting the immune system.


Comfrey is used externally for relieving pain and as a wound-healing oil. Skullcap. Long ago, Native Americans used skullcap roots in treating kidney problems. Nowadays, a skullcap is common for its sedative effect.


For heartburns, sore throats, or gastrointestinal inflammation, drinking marshmallow tea made from dried marshmallow roots or leaves is a natural remedy.

Horse chestnut

The extracts from horse chestnut seeds are effective in treating varicose veins, while the gels have anti-inflammatory properties.


Hops are highly effective for the treatment of the symptoms of anxiety such as restlessness. It can also be used by women during menopause.


The diuretic effects of hibiscus make it a natural choice for treating digestion problems; it is also effective for controlling high blood pressure and for treating sore throats.

Black cohosh

Black cohosh is another medicinal plant that is used by menstruating women to reduce the associated cramping.


Gynostemma is another adaptogen that is used for dealing with stress. It can also be used for boosting the immune system against infections.


Clubmoss is used for treating stomach upset, skin conditions, and kidney problems.

Cats claw

Also called Hawks claw. Native to Southern America, this herb is common for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Its use also extends to the treatment of rheumatism and body pains.


This African plant is commonly used for the treatment of urinary tract infections and bruises.


Boswellia is a well-known herb in India. It is used for treating joint pains, fevers, diabetes, and rheumatism.


The leaves of this plant are used for treating sore throat and cough. St Johns Wort. When mixed with black cohosh.

St. Johnswort

can help women having PMS and those in their menopause period reduce the accompanying symptoms.


This common kitchen ingredient has antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties that help in treating colds and coughs.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm can be used for treating flatulence, as a remedy for anxiety and its symptoms, and for improving memory.


Coined from two Greek words, Oros meaning mountains, and Ganos for joy; oregano is used as an antiseptic, for treating coughs,and for indigestion.


This age-old herb is a natural detoxifier and anti-diabetic plant. It is also used for treating skin diseases like scabies and eczema.

Gotu Kola

Just like horse chestnut, Gotu kola is used as a remedy for varicose veins. The leaves and stems of this plant are also effective in treating colds and respiratory infections.


Boneset is effective in the treatment of influenza and the symptoms. In the past, it was used as a laxative and anti-malarial medicine.


Popular in Russia, Rhodiola roots are used for boosting physical strength and as an anti-depressant. In addition, Rhodiola is an adaptogen and, hence, helps the body to cope with stress.


Suma is popular in South Americ where it is also known as Brazilian ginseng. Since it is a type of ginseng, it is also an adaptogen and is used as a stress reliever.


Borage oil is a good source of a linoleic acid GLA which is a good immune booster.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is commonly used by men for treating hair loss and a disease of the prostate gland called BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia).


The Japanese and Chinese people use this mushroom for the treatment of cancer.

Lycium Fruit

The fruit of the Lycium tree is rich in essential body nutrients that it is used as food. The fruit also contains high levels of antioxidants.


FoTi is a traditional Chinese herb used for treating bone and joint pains. Anise. The seeds of this plant are used in making the tea used as a remedy for constipation and flatulence.


Bacopa is an Asian herb that has been used in India for treating brain problems. Today, it finds use in the treatment of anxiety, bronchitis, and allergies.


Astralagus is commonly used in China for enhancing energy and treating health problems such as high blood pressure and diarrhea.

Bee Balm

The leaves of the bee balm tree are used for making tea for fever and indigestion treatment. Moreover, the oil extract of the plant has antibacterial substances that make it a major component in mouthwash.


Schizandra fruit is used for treating stress. Aside from this, the fruits are also rich in nutritious minerals that provide energy.

Dong Quai

The Dong Quai (Angelica Sinensis) is a popular herb with Chinese women. It is used in treating the symptoms of PMS and menopause.

Garden angelica

This is also a popular women's herb. Just like the Dong Quai, this herb is used as a remedy for PMS.


Amla fruit is a rich source of Ascorbic acid(vitamin C) and fiber. This makes it a good remedy for constipation and swellings.


Bilberry contains anthocyanosides which are strong antioxidants. The leaves of this plant are used for the prevention of night blindness, in the treatment of diarrhea, and for stopping abdominal cramps.

Black Cherry

The bark of the black cherry tree contains antispasmodic chemicals that are helpful in the treatment of coughs.


The resin of this herb is known to be rich in vitamins and minerals for a healthy life.


Plantain leaves are highly effective in treating acne and sunburn. The leaves also contain chemical substances that help in the healing of wounds.


A common herb, chickweed is a good remedy for skin problems like eczema and rashes.


Butterbur is a natural remedy for migraines as well as good for its antispasmodic properties.


Tarragon is rich in minerals and vitamins that make it a health herb for consumption. It is used to prevent health diseases.


Trikatu Churna is used for treating nausea and stomach congestion. Its anti-inflammatory property also makes it good for treating swellings.


The most common use of rhubarb is as a laxative. Other uses include for the treatment of diarrhea,and heartburn.


Uses of rosemary include treatment of toothaches,eczema, myalgia, as well as for promoting menstrual flow in women.

Polygala tenuifolia

Polygala has nootropic properties that are beneficial for brain functioning. This herb helps in improving memory and cognitive ability in older people.


Rehmannia finds usage in the treatment of diabetes, anemia, allergies, and osteoporosis.


Parsley leaves are rich in flavonoids a type of antioxidants that help in combating cancer, stroke, and heart disease.


Pomegranate contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins. It is used in treating heart diseases and digestion problems.


This plant is popular for its use in treating anxiety and its symptoms. It is also used by some people as a remedy for hemorrhoids and inflammations.


Saffron is used as an expectorant for the treatment of coughs and whooping cough. Juniper. Juniper is a common herbal remedy for joint pains as well as for treating snakebite, urinary tract infections, and gallbladder stones.


Motherwort is used as a diuretic for treating urinary problems. It is also used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.


Lomatium root is used for treating flu and for boosting the immune system against infections.


When consumed moderately, nutmeg can be used for treating insomnia due to its calming effect.


Papayas are rich in fiber and water which makes them good for relieving constipation.

Kola nut

Kola nut is an African herb used as a flavoring for drinks. The nut contains caffeine which can help with digestion problems.


The root of the osha plant is used for treating flu and the symptoms such as cold, cough and sore throat.


This herb is known for its use in treating problems like stomach ulcers, and for promoting blood flow. Spearmint. Spearmint is used by most people for treating indigestion, body aches, cramps, and for treating hirsutism in women.

Witch hazel

The leaves, stems, and bark of this ornamental plant can be used for treating cancer tumors, and inflammation.

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