Elderberry To Boost Your Immune System

 What is elderberry?

Elderberry is a dark purple berry that comes from the European elder tree. The berries are tart in flavor and need to be cooked to be eaten, which is why most products tout the ingredient are in the form of syrups, extracts, gummies, or tablets. Elderberry has been used in traditional medicines throughout history, most notably for its properties to help with cold and flu symptoms.


High in nutrients and antioxidants, elderberry is widely known as an all-natural immune booster, keeping illnesses such as the cold and the flu in check. This medicinal plant has many varieties, with the European one being the most common. Despite the "-berry" at the end, though, it is not edible like strawberries or blueberries, and so should be taken in supplement form -- more specifically, like a syrup.

In syrup form, elderberry helps in boosting your immunity and reduces the severity or duration of any sickness. However, not all elderberry syrups are equal, with some having better taste thanks to added natural ingredients, and others being made solely of elderberries only. Still, like all types of berries, they all help in keeping your immune system up and running for a long time.

We're all searching for ways to boost our immune system, and elderberry is a natural ingredient that can help your body fight off cold and flu symptoms. Elderberry gummies are a convenient way to take the supplement since many people like the sweet taste of a gummy vitamin.

Getting sick can sideline your training, which is why we’re often looking for ways to boost our immune systems, especially during cold and flu season, and even more so now in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

What are the benefits of elderberries?

Elderberries are packed with vitamin C and anthocyanins—a type of flavonoid that provides antioxidants, gives the berries their rich colors, and are known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

As elderberries are high in antioxidants, it may be able to help boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and protect your heart, Garcia says. And, it’s high in both vitamin C and vitamin A, which are known to reduce inflammation and promote immune function, she adds. Additionally, because of the vitamin C, it may help with healing a cut or scrape, for instance, if you fell during a trail run or got tripped up during a race.

Does taking elderberry actually work?

A study published in Nutrients showed that air travelers who took elderberry syrup had a shorter duration of cold symptoms that were less severe than the control group who did not. Another study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine Research found that those who started taking elderberry extract during the onset of traditional flu symptoms saw their symptoms end four days earlier than those taking a placebo. And, a study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that elderberry may help reduce upper respiratory symptoms during a cold or flu.

So, taking elderberry at the onset of symptoms could potentially help alleviate the severity of symptoms of the common cold and flu, Feller says. And, taking elderberry may help relieve nasal congestion and upper respiratory symptoms like a cough, Garcia adds.

How can elderberries benefit runners?

Elderberries have anti-inflammatory properties which may be especially helpful in aiding recovery for runners.

Adding elderberry to your diet could potentially help you recover faster from injuries and muscle soreness, since overall systemic inflammation may be decreased.

Elderberry can also alleviate constipation, so if a runner is experiencing GI problems, it may be helpful, too, 

What are the side effects of elderberry?

Consumption of elderberry seems to be generally regarded as safe, and carries a low risk of adverse effects, says Feller. However, the leaves, stems, raw and unripe berries, and other plant parts of the elder tree contain a toxic substance and, if not properly prepared, may cause nausea, vomiting, and severe diarrhea.

And keep in mind that it’s a diuretic, which can cause you to urinate more often leading to imbalances such as dehydration or hypernatremia (having too much sodium in your bloodstream) or hyponatremia (having too little sodium in your bloodstream).

How often can you take elderberry?

I encourage if you want to take it, be sure it’s taken in moderation, It may not be to a person’s benefits to take it every day, especially as there is more research being done on benefits and dosing.

For most people, it likely wouldn’t hurt to add an elderberry supplement. “However, it is not a replacement for the seasonal flu shot. A high-quality supplement backed by science should be selected, and as always, consult your doctor or credentialed healthcare practitioner before taking any new supplements,

There are several elderberry supplement options and preparations, such as gummies, lozenges, syrups, and teas, but the most popular and best way to consume elderberry is in syrup form. There is still more research needed on dosing, but in general, follow the dosage instructions on the packaging and consult with your doctor before adding any new supplements to your diet. When consuming elderberry, it’s important to read the product label and to be mindful of added sugars.

Bottom line:

 While elderberry may help shorten the duration of the cold or flu, it’s not a cure-all and should not replace other therapies such as a seasonal flu shot, medicine for severe symptoms, and regular hand-washing. 

Elderberry is useful in strengthening the immune system because they're chock-full of antioxidants and other vitamins. In addition to bolstering your immune response, this can also help reduce inflammation, offer protection for your heart, and lower stress.

This content is created based on researching some studies which are conducted by authenticated research sites. sites link provided at the end of the article.

consult your doctor or credentialed healthcare practitioner before taking any new supplements.



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