Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree within the Myrtaceae, clove. They are native to the Maluku Islands (or the Moluccas) in Indonesia and are commonly used as a spice. Cloves are available throughout the year thanks to different harvest seasons in several countries.



Clove (S. aromaticum) is one of the most valuable spices that have been used for centuries as a food preservative and for many medicinal purposes. Clove is native of Indonesia but nowadays is cultured in several parts of the planet including Brazil within the state of Bahia. This plant represents one among the richest sources of phenolic compounds like eugenol, eugenol acetate and acid and possesses great potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and agricultural applications.

The clove is awesome. It's a little spice that has big benefits and we're going to teach you how to use clove oil. You know, clove oil has a lot of medicinal uses due to its compound eugenol and we're going to tell you why. 

What is a clove? 

First and foremost, clove maybe a little, little fruit actually that helps eliminate acne. Clove can kill parasites, it's very anti-microbial on contact. Clove can help lower vital signs, clove helps fight cold and flu. In fact, clove should be a part of almost any cold or flu busting herbal infusion, tea or supplement.

Benefits of Clove

Clove can provide anti-aging benefits thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. 

Clove will kill or lessen the fungi or yeast candida which causes common yeast infections. 

The clove is amazing for a sore throat. 

Clove is employed in various throat lozenges, you'll add it with honey, you'll gargle with it which I do.

 Clove is really, really awesome. Clove also is great for toothaches. This is probably the simplest benefit clove has got to offer. What I will do is I will put a drop or two of clove oil on my toothpaste, right on my toothbrush or swish it around. Clove is great for the gums, it's great for the teeth in various medical remedies particularly for oral health, clove is used on toothaches. But let's talk about safety. When you use clove topically you want to dilute it. I love using it in other oil like copra oil and it's great with honey.

If you take manuka or raw honey put a drop of clove oil in it. Maybe some cinnamon, maybe some orange, may not even taste good, put it in your mouth it is great for a sore throat or for the flu. If taking internally,

Clove oil is an essential oil. If you're going to use it internally use oil labeled as a dietary supplement. If you're going to diffuse it, you can mix it with other oils. It has an amazing aroma. It is high in eugenol, it is used medically and traditionally to eliminate acne, kill parasites, naturally lower blood pressure, fight colds, and flu. Clove is anti-aging because the highest antioxidant food per gram, clove kills the yeast candida, it's great for pharyngitis and it's powerful for your teeth and your gums. Folks, clove oil is affordable. You can find it in your local food store, find it online, search for organic dietary supplement oil of cloves. You must have it on hand and you should use it frequently.

Precautionary measures

Do not use clove for quite two consecutive weeks because it kills bacteria, but can damage your good bacteria. 

When you use clove take many probiotics alongside it, usually separated by an hour to form sure your flora is in fine condition.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, multiple hazards are related to the oil of cloves. It may cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation, or an allergic reaction on the skin. It is also flammable and could be fatal if it is swallowed and goes into the airway.

And, this is a big one, if you love your pets and you have pets, don't diffuse clove oil or apply it onto pets because it can compromise their health. A little cute kitty. I'm actually more of a dog person, but or sheep or goat person. Anyway, that's no matter. I don't use cloves near them either. 

It is important to debate the utilization of any herbal products with a medical professional in order that they will review potential side effects and interactions.

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